Art at Heart

Creativity is nothing short of a magical act that institutes a sudden unveiling of the unworldly, or even the heavenly. It coexists with the ordinary without disrupting it at all with its sense of the beyond but boldly convincing the busy world running out of time to spare, to pay attention. We witness its transformative effect on our lives every day, but it is never something we can quite put our fingers on or arrest into a specific definition. The fact that it escapes all attempts to formulate a definition has never given us enough reason to stop celebrating it. And luckily for us, some gifted individuals have been driven by this undefined and sublime passion to give it tangible forms, day in day out.
COLORS pays tribute to some of the most talented and hardworking young artists from different categories who have one thing in common: Defying all odds, leaving everything else behind, they are here to make their passion work the magic we often associate with art.
Alvi Rahmaan Atoshie

People also call me: Alu
What I do: I write, about everything that my mind can grasp. I have always enjoyed getting to know a person and relating to them. If I am to wish for one extraordinary power, that would be mind reading.
Writing brings me peace, it’s my healer. It keeps me sane enough to function through this life that I am still trying to understand. My words are not just scribbled letters on a piece of paper, if you read what I write, you will get to know the vulnerable side of me that I verbally struggle to express. Writing to me is – an antidote.
The moment when it all started: Back in standard seven when I started seeing how different we all are from each other.

Strength: Empathy
What I am looking forward to: Publishing a book
What I say to myself for motivation: The bottled up thoughts and emotions will be the end of you, if you don’t start writing about them.
To me an ideal life is: A life where I can own up to my freedom of speech.
To get some more amazing pieces of this writer’s mind follow @alviatoshie on Instagram.
Elma Arifeen

People also call me: Elmo, Elmerfuzz, fuzz
What I do: I’d like to call myself a Pastry chef, running an online patisserie called Pastryarchy. I’d say one of the things I’m most proud of is being able to break the norms and pursue my passion to go train in France, and get to work in a Michelin star kitchen. Having had the whole shebang however, I’ve always had one ultimate goal: to open up my own high-end patisserie in Bangladesh and revolutionize the way people look at desserts here. I guess Pastryarchy is a small step towards achieving that.
The moment when it all started: I don’t really think there’s an exact moment that I can pinpoint to. Over the course of my University years, I slowly started paying heed to the fact that I’ve always loved food, and have been fascinated by it, and I realized this is something that I can focus on for days at a time and never get bored.
Strength: The people in my life, my friends and family are my absolute strength in this. I couldn’t have been luckier to have such support and encouragement for something that is so atypical.
What I am looking forward to: Finally opening up a shop and making Pastryarchy a reality.
What I say to myself for motivation: I’ve been able to do something a lot of people don’t even dream of here: following their passions. I can’t let that opportunity go amiss and I can’t ever disappoint myself and the people cheering me on.
To me an ideal life is: For me, there’s no ideal life. The concept of that for someone continuously changes with their environment, work and the people they meet in their life. I guess the main goal is to be contented and satisfied that you’ve been able to achieve all or most things that you’ve wanted in your life.
Visit “Pastryarchy” on Facebook and Instagram to order the scrumptious delights this talented pastry chef has to offer.
Khondoker Mashuk Ibn Mahfuz

People also call me: Mash
What I do: I am a graphics designer working for Analyzen for the past 3.5 years. I design for Brands and I have designed for 40+ brands across three countries. Creating is what I love and designing for Brands is all about creating value. Creating value for not only the brands but also for the customers and being a business student from IBA, DU, helps me understand how to capture and deliver effective messages through visual representation. In my free time, I usually take on some thematic design projects and try to tell a bit of story through it.
The moment when it all started: Ever since I discovered Photoshop and stepped into its ever-growing magical world I have never been the same. It only got bigger when I joined Analyzen.
Strength: Absolute Patience
What I am looking forward to: Being a tad bit better every day.
What I say to myself for motivation: If I don’t do it who will?
To me an ideal life is: Living where everything is free and nothing is permitted without an absolute commitment to life.
Emad B. M. Hassan

People also call me: EmTree
What I do: Being called an eccentric creative with a business degree, with a not-so-mild coffee and tea addiction, I guess I thrive to recognize the essence and soul of an object or person. I’m a photographer, cinematographer and video editor. I’ve been honing my skills over the course of four years by following the people who inspire me the most and by involving myself with like-minded people who support me through it all. Amidst everything, I also founded Studio Baklava, a creative entity, which is a collaboration of two other fellow creatives with a lot of weirdness. Besides Studio Baklava I’m currently working as the video production specialist at Pathao.
The moment when it all started: My first camera was a toy camera, which I got for free. My first digital camera was when I was eight years old. After that, taking photos has always been a method of escaping reality for me. The years flew by and I bought my first DSLR in my first year of BRACU. A while later a friend asked for help in a video project for a certain NPO; at first I thought why not? As it would allow me to earn some extra money but little did I know that shoot was going to be a definitive moment in my life. After a 12 hour shoot and moving almost all over Dhaka in the extreme heat and humidity, one day, it hit me, if I had to do this all over again the next day, I would do it in a heartbeat. That’s the moment when I decided to pursue a career in the creative field.
Strength: I’ve been told that I’m a stubborn optimist. If I have a vision in life or a project, I get obsessed with it. I plan out the whole thing as much as possible but also keep enough wiggle room for improvising. No matter how long it takes, or how much negativity might be involved, I use it as a drive to make sure I get what I want. If I’m being honest, all that’s what got me to where I am: Founding Studio Baklava, having a career which I will only push further, and lastly but not even close to being the least my relationships and bonds with the people I care about. They are always a priority — I’d do anything for them.
What I am looking forward to: The future. I have a vision for myself and my studio, which I’m not going to reveal. Along with my super duper improvisational skill and my articulate planning (which don’t always bear fruit), and the support of the people in my life and the one’s I’ll meet in the future, I’ll make sure my plans are realized.
What I say to myself for motivation: Done is better than perfect. Collaborate and Create.
To me an ideal life is: Anything I say sounds clichéd but I want a life where I’m happy doing whatever it is I’m passionate about, all the while drowning in coffee and tea and a camera around my neck with the people that matter to me.
Galib Hasan

People also call me: Sejan Juice
What I do: I am soon to be an Electrician (EEE student) by day and a video editor by night. I started editing videos, directing and writing scripts for little projects that friends were working on. I have worked on short films, corporate, music, and event videos. Short films have always held a special place in my heart; they often tell us little stories closely related to our lives. I have been passionately working on these stories ever since I started my journey. My best achievement so far would be taking a leap of faith with my friend Emad and starting Studio Ao, which did not work out so well. But that turned into what most people know today as Studio Baklava
The moment when it all started: It started when I was asked to help out with a short film. They needed a video editor so I decided to lend a hand. It was simply on a whim that I started my journey.
Strength: I can’t give up; some people might call it being stubborn. But I think seeing your work through till the end has its own merits. Being this “stubborn” has led me to be a very patient man, a strength I never really thought I would possess.
What I am looking forward to: Expanding my area of expertise as an editor, to grow with Studio Baklava as we establish ourselves as a creative platform where we can collaborate with other artists to create new things. I also hope to get a PhD someday.
What I say to myself for motivation: I simply tell myself to be better than I was yesterday.
To me an ideal life is: It might sound cliché but to me an ideal life would be where I can buy all the necessary parts for my editing rig without looking at my bank balance and tell all the stories that have touched me through my work.
Follow this artist on Instagram @hikiro1 and to check out the awesomeness of some of their professional work visit Studio Baklava on Facebook.
Humairah Shams

People also call me: The Left-handed Wildflower (which is my IG handle)
What I do: Well, I run an art boutique called Made With Love with my sister Sarah, where we sell stationary with original art on it. Our main theme is to use calligraphy and illustrations on things we use every day, to look forward to working/studying or just doing what you have to do every day. Apart from Made With Love, I’m a freelance artist and calligrapher, occasionally designing wedding cards and holding lettering workshops. Some of my best achievements include pulling of a few big art events and exhibits like ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ and holding my own lettering workshop.

The moment when it all started: I’ve been painting and crafting ever since I was little, so honestly it all started a long time ago. But we officially launched Made With Love on August 2016, when we hosted at a small art exhibit with a few other artists. It was called “Carousel of Chaos” and that’s where we launched our first notebooks, art prints and totes. I’ve been working and with calligraphy and loving it ever since.
Strength: Florals and Calligraphy all day, every day!
What I am looking forward to: Our upcoming pop-up stall where we’ll be hosting an event with some pretty amazing friends in the industry! I’m also working launching a line of workshops teaching watercolor and calligraphy.
What I say to myself for motivation: Breathe
To me an ideal life is: Doing what I love, with the people I love.
Find out more about the amazing products made by this artist by checking out “Made With Love” and “Musings of a Wildflower” on Facebook
Mohaimin Karim

People call me: Mohai
What I do: I play bass in the Imran Ahmed Trio. Besides, I am also a business student. Imran Ahmed Trio is a jazz band based in Dhaka and we have been together for 3+ years. It is quite difficult to juggle my academic life and music, one or the other gets a bit compromised on some days. So technically my biggest achievements are when I am able to do all these tasks successfully at a stretch. I wouldn’t say that being a musician is exclusively my passion cause in reality it is a tough job, it is something that keeps me interested and at work. It keeps me satisfied. Aside from being an average bass player, I consider myself lucky enough to perform abroad in front of an international crowd and I owe all of that to Imran and Arjo’s hard work.
The moment it all started: I picked up the bass during my school days; that is when I met my band member, Arjo. Soon after school, I started jamming with the funk band called 42 and at that time I came across a lot of amazing musicians like Imran. We knew each other from before as by that time he was already recognized as an amazing guitarist. Eventually we sat to jam and started working on his compositions. I would say that I have only gotten this far because of his dedication and way of doing things.
Strength: Persistence
What I am looking forward to: Becoming a better musician and performing in more international festivals.
What I say to myself for motivation: All this effort has always been worth it in one form or the other.
To me an ideal life is: Being able to diligently perform all the activities that I engage in.
Scionara Shehry

People also call me: Scio
What I do: All I really do is try to convince myself that I am able to sing (somewhat moderately) well. It is really difficult maintaining academics, work and practice of music all at once, but what really keeps me motivated is the raw happiness and passion I feel when I just sing, mostly with my beloved Ghaashphoring Choir and The Armeen Musa Band. I also compose acapella versions of my favorite songs, which I only flaunt off to myself (for now).
The moment when it all started: In the shower six years ago when I thought I nailed Sia’s ‘Titanium’.
Strength: Reading between lines.
What I am looking forward to: Probably meeting Michael Jackson in heaven.
What I say to myself for motivation: If I become successful, I can have as many dogs as I want.
To me an ideal life is: Checking the biggest list of experiences than anybody else.
Omiya Hassan

People also call me: Miya
What I do: I’m currently a graduate student in the department of EECS at The University of Missouri-Columbia, majoring in Electrical Engineering. Aside from solving electrical circuit problems, I am very passionate about art and its different form of expression. Even though I’m an engineer by profession, whenever I have a hard and stressful day, art becomes a getaway path. I draw sketch, doodle in a daily basis, which is similar to brushing your teeth, eating or taking long walks for refreshment. My greatest achievement so far as an artist is my production house called “Miya Bhai”. In “Miya Bhai” we sell Bangladesh made products which tell stories about empowerment, bravery and love through Bengali calligraphy and illustrations. My personal greatest achievement was creating a nearly five foot tall doodle which is currently hanging in the Ministry office of ICT Bangladesh. I’m Thinking of making a bigger one, one day!
The moment when it all started: I was never good at writing or talking. I didn’t have any sort of medium to express myself. So, art somehow became my tool when I wanted to express my feelings and thoughts. Being an Anime lover in high-school, I started drawing small comic strips with my cousin which escalated to doodling on nearly any paper I had my hands on all the time. After submitting one of my illustrations in the “Anti-Corruption Cartoon Competition 2012” and having seen my art on their calendars, banners and invitation cards I realized that I should take this seriously besides my study. Thus, after many exhibitions, art workshops and friends pushing me to do something for myself, I finally opened Miya Bhai.
Strength: I always try my best in doing whatever I want to do in life and never giving up on it.
What I am looking forward to: Getting my Ph. D and Miya Bhai being established as a Bengali creative production house.
What I say to myself for motivation: I’m not much of a “daily doses of quote” person but I do believe and follow that in life do what makes you happy.
To me an ideal life is: It is not about the money, career or fame. It’s about doing what you love and being surrounded by the people who supports you, motivates you and loves you.
Visit the Facebook page “Miya Bhai” to see what this has has in store and follow to get updates on her latest work.
Rashad Mustafa

People also call me: Bboy Rads
What I do: I am one of the first generation of bboys aka breakdancers in Bangladesh. Most people have a perception of my art which is shaped by the mainstream media and cannot be more distant to what hip-hop truly means; it is a culture based on peace, unity, love and fun infused with knowledge, wisdom and understanding and I am all about that.
I used to be a shy boy who was too insecure to make new friends. Bboying helped me find my voice and shake off my insecurities. Hip-hop pushes each individual to pursue their own unique style. If there are one million bboys, there are one million different styles. This concept pushed me to develop my own style reflective of my own self. It accepts my individuality and tells me to be me.

I am from Anonymous Crew which is the first hip-hop dance crew in Bangladesh. We’ve been nurturing the entire hip-hop dance scene since the beginning; we’ve established the first ever workshops on this form. Personally, I have been out of practice for quite some time now because a myriad of unfortunate circumstances. However, as long as I have even the tiniest of sparks in my heart for breaking, I know I can turn that into a blazing inferno.
My biggest achievement would have to be successfully organizing The Cypher BD Hip-hop Dance Championships 2018, which is the first nation-wide championship tournament to give a platform to all the dancers in Bangladesh to showcase their talents.
The moment when it all started: I’ve always liked breaking/break dancing from the first time I saw it. There was a movie called “You Got Served” which has real famous dancers in the main cast. That was the first time I felt like the dance was calling out to me. Later on I saw America’s Best Dance Crew season 2 and 3 on MTV and these two seasons were filled with bboy crews. When I saw them dance, I knew I had to learn it too. So, I went on over to YouTube and started learning from there. Almost a decade later, here I am with still a very long way to go!
Strength: Speed, versatility and rage.
What I am looking forward to: Representing Bangladesh in the global stage.
What I say to myself for motivation: Look to your mates, you can’t let them down!
To me an ideal life is: Living life with humility while doing what I love with no regrets.
Sayeef Mahmud

People also call me: Inksmith
What I do: I currently work as an illustrator and animator in Big Blue Communications. But clearly what I actually do is draw every chance I get. I have always wanted to be an author of books. so for last couple of years I have done a lot of failed attempts on getting a book ready on art but finally now with my TMAD series (which can be found in my Instagram account: @ink_smith) I am really hopeful about getting something ready soon enough. I have done a lot of art shows so far and the biggest hit has always been the Milkshake Collective shows. Both years were great and I am hoping this year if we do it again it will be much better than previous ones. I can’t really say much about my achievements rather than being a proud university dropout.
The moment it all started: I can’t really remember a time when I wasn’t drawing. Ever since I could hold a pen I could draw and I never stopped. I used to illustrate scenes from my favorite movies using stick figures as early as 3 year of age.
Strength: Being an illustrator one should be able to draw literally anything imaginable not by just themselves but by anyone. I think that’s one of my biggest strengths.
What I am looking forward to: Winter. It’s too hot in Dhaka. I am waiting for the priceless one week of chilled out atmosphere in the city.
What I say to myself for motivation: I don’t have the luxury to lag in work given it brings food to my table every month. but during bad times I just look at my loved ones and think of how much they deserve from me and how much better of a future I want to give to them: That’s what keeps me going.

To me an ideal life is: Not looking forward to eternal happiness and embrace the few days of good times every once in a while. Good days are like weekends, they always come after awhile. Eternal happiness will be like retirement- super boring.
Syeda Sadia Haque

People also call me: Soi, Antora
What I do: I am a painter. I have been painting for the last 12 years and I’m 20 now. So you can easily do the math. When I was a kid I really enjoyed painting. It turned into an obsession and I basically painted every day. I got admitted into an art school and did a course of six years majoring in oil painting with the highest score they delivered back then. When I was a student there, I used to take art classes of my subordinates and it was fun.
Paintings always find a way to uplift my mood and pick me up from wherever I halt. Seeing works of other artists have always been teaching me more and more about artworks and life. I think everyone needs the warmth of art in their worlds just to be a little bit sane in this chaotic world. Be it painting, singing, dancing and what not.
What inspires me the most about painting is when I get to see my mother’s reaction after staring at my artworks or my friends and audiences count too. That keeps me going. I haven’t made painting my primary career yet. I enjoy going to exhibitions all by myself, spend hours and let arts devour my heart and imagination with the most plausible soothing way ever.
I recently participated in the Art Battle Dhaka along with lots of other art competitions and exhibitions. Honestly these things have always helped me in leaving me with a good feeling about my passion also polishes my skills and also new people to be inspired by.
I always prefer working on thick or semi-thick mediums on canvas or paper. Such as oil colors, semi-acrylic, acrylic etc. Mixed media art is fun as well.
The moment when it all started: I precisely do not reckon the exact time but I can recall the course of the time. Before I got admitted to a school, my father would buy me paints everyday if I asked. Yes, everyday. My sisters would always paint with me whenever they had their leisure so that’s when it all started. I got pretty serious about painting when I was in the art school and learning more each passing day.
Strength: Mixing and playing with different shades of colors.
What I am looking forward to: Making art my primary career also I want to go abroad for further studies after completing a few significant courses in fine arts here in Bangladesh.
I want to make more paintings to inspire people and teach them art. I look forward to making this world a bit more peaceful by reaching people’s hearts.
What I say to myself for motivation: I tell myself that I can do better each day or each passing moment if I try. I tell myself during my blues or anxiety is that I can never reach the sky regardless how much I adore its beauty and mysteries, but the sky is not the limit either.
To me an ideal life is: A healthy life where I can be myself accepting all my flaws and be surrounded with people who matter. I want to live accepting whatever this world puts me into and conflict if I can sense good changes. To accept people with their flaws and miseries because that’s when someone is being vulnerable, and that’s when they are so beautiful.
To witness some of her magical work visit “soiheartsblue” on Instagram.

People also call me: Shevi
What I do: I am an interior architect by profession and an artist by night. I have been working for the past four years as a designer. However, I needed a means of emancipation from the daily hustle and bustle and needed a different portal to divert my negative energies. I started my page veevinci on Instagram back in 2014 and gained traffic on social media after I started posting classical architectural sketches and illustrations, which revolved around human figures/portraits and abstract forms. I’ve been obsessed with the Renaissance period and felt the need to pay homage to the masters. The energy shift to art has helped me battle depression and it really nursed me back to health.
My best achievement would be the love and support I receive now and then from people all over the world who tell me how I inspire them to either appreciate art or do art. What can be more priceless than that?
The moment when it all started: After I graduated from Regent’s University London and came back to Dhaka, I felt a huge void inside as it was difficult to adjust and adapt to a new constricted lifestyle. So, I started drawing intricately detailed architectural pieces. It would calm me down and detach myself from the world. I didn’t realize during the process that people started following me in my journey. As a designer and a full-time introvert, it’s difficult to balance between your work and your hobby, but when I do get the time, I try to draw and inspire others.
Strength: Drawing intricate details in graphite, marbles and pastels.
What I am looking forward to: Making bigger pieces so I can hang them on my own interior projects.
What I say to myself for motivation: I usually go to Tumblr to read quotes for motivation! But at other times I remind myself how so many people look up to me for inspiration and individuality which really is a wonderful driving force to produce better work.
To me an ideal life is: An ideal life to me is a simple life where I’m surrounded by people with whom I can have stimulating conversations with. I really enjoy my alone time and I am an undemanding person but when I come across genuinely great people with whom I share the same frequency with, it feels magical to me. I’d love to be surrounded in this magic and live a content life.
Follow @veevinci on Instagram to see pieces from veevinci. For apparel and prints from this lovely artist visit
Rushmian Wadud

People also call me: Rush-man (Yeah, just made that up!)
What I do: I have always had the craze and love for music. At first it was all about listening; now it’s more about practicing. I have been practicing music since 2011, with the first band that I had called “Conclusion”. I stayed with the band till 2014, did a lot of gigs. But, the three years were mostly about learning how to write and compose songs and have released a few songs like “Uposhonghar”, “Nistobdher Gaan” and “Tin Chaka”. After leaving Conclusion, I formed two other bands – “Liquid State Drive” and “Petty Never Grew”. Currently, both the bands are on the path of producing their debut albums, which will hopefully be released by November/December of this year. Besides these, I have worked with Nuhash Humayun, giving a playback voice for the theme song of his short film “Paper Frogs”.
The moment when it all started: It all started back when I was eleven years old. My mother made me get into to a music school back in Chittagong, where I learned classical music for a year. I didn’t continue since I failed in the school’s first year exam. Haha! So, technically I started off as a failure. My elder brother, on the other hand, used to bring these local rock band CDs, which actually got me interested more and more into that genre. From that point on, I always dreamed I’ll have a band and I’ll be the frontman singing with an attitude while on stage. That, I would say, is what made me what I am today.
Strength: My strength is not my singing talent, that’s for sure. I’m not even being modest here. there are lots of young people who sing hundred times better than me. I think what I’m really strong at is composing. I consider myself as more of a songwriter than a singer.
What I am looking forward to: At this moment, I’m looking forward to the debut albums of my two bands; I’m currently on the recording phase with them. We might do an album launching program by the end of the year. But, for the bigger picture, my aim is to learn audio engineering so that I can record and mix/master my own stuff by myself.
What I say to myself for motivation: When I am feeling demotivated, I tell myself, “you know what you are made of; have faith, things will turn out to be great in the end.”
To me an ideal life is: A life where one can do whatever he/she feels like, where one won’t ever have to answer to anyone for their deeds; somewhere they can be anyone they want to be.
Find this artist on Facebook and Instagram as Rushmian Wadud to get updates on more of his thrilling work.
Venessa Kaiser

People also call me: Aesthesis
What I do: I dictate myself as an artist on any medium available, practicing mostly in nihilistic and surrealistic work. I believe in the perception of the external world by the senses. I have always been a realist. I believe in peace too. I portray both through my art or at least I try to… you tell me! I believe my art represents what I am.
The moment when it all started: I have been drawing and experimenting with different mediums and materials for as long as I remember. I was a very introvert and quiet child. I used to keep myself busy being curious about mixing things and making something out of the ordinary.
Strength: I have been practicing my craft hoping to get quality work done in a more efficient time so I can say I work very fast, and I have pushed my limits to learn and master just about anything. I can work on any surface and draw or create anything I please, from graffiti to finished oil paintings to metalwork — there is not much I haven’t tried a hand in creating.
What I am looking forward to: I am very open and outspoken about topics that are even considered morbid, unconventional and perhaps at times taboo in our society. In the future, I want to use my creativity to help people have an improved idea of the endless possibilities of how the mind works.
What I say to myself for motivation: I remind myself of the endless possibilities and beautiful things that are yet to be discovered through my art. Waking up to last night’s work is always blissful.
To me an ideal life is: Being selfless towards people and kind towards all living things. My peace of mind is in healing bad things and making positive impacts eventually.
Follow aesthesis on Facebook and Instagram to watch more of this artist boldly express her unique and stunning style of thinking