
Learning from Sakib Bin Rashid

Arka Dev Biswas from Colors gets to learn about Game of Thrones, Cricket World Cup 2019 and Women Empowerment from Sakib Bin Rashid, the Chief Instructor of 10 Minute School who recently rose to fame on social media. e world has been going through a lot with the culmination of the eight seasons of Game of Thrones and the Cricket World Cup 2019 in England. All these require a common view, and the voice of public review comes from Sakib Bin Rashid

Sakib Bin Rashid

The disservice of Game of Thrones ending

“The ending to Games of Thrones could not satisfy the demands and expectations of the fans sadly. The hype, the buzz, all of it resulted in a bittersweet ending. The twist of Daenerys turning to the dark side may have been unexpected, but there were clear signs beforehand. The more awkward moment came when it was to be decided who will eventually be the heir to the throne. It was comical to see everyone just accept the fact that all future heirs be decided by a council and that the next king should be “Bran The Broken” and everyone agreed. There were other worthy rulers, and there were also many who would have rebelled, but nothing happened. What lacked was character investment from viewers. We needed time to cope with such changes, which we did not have. Other shows like Friends, which had a brilliant ending, and How I Met Your Mother, which had a terrible and disappointing ending, can be seen as a comparison. Coming to terms with each characters’ fate in Game of Thrones became something no one preferred.” he adds.

The Cricket World Cup challenge

“The Round Robin format may be a problem to some, but this tests the tenacity of all. Each team gets to face everyone and sees how good they are. Yes, it minimizes surprises and prevents teams from leap-frogging each other and going through, but it puts in greater calculated measures for everyone. The one thing that this World Cup lacks is how it is not inclusive overall. Previously, teams like Ireland, Scotland, Zimbabwe, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates used to be there to give competition, this time it is missing. It does force many brilliant players to lose their opportunity to present their country in the World Cup, making these teams prone to being plucked off of their star players. A cost that is borne only due to the lack of inclusivity. Over time, the World Cup does need to be more inclusive than simply prioritising and satisficing only some. Or the essence of the World Cup may be lost about being for the world.” Sakib Bin Rashid points out.

Power to those who always deserved it

“Women empowerment is something that needs to be addressed on a more grass root level. Look at the education system, the number of women enrolled in primary education is really high. However, the same students fall off from the system even before entering secondary and tertiary education. In terms of manual and physical labour, women represent the major percentage of the force. Conversely, see how the intellectual sector lacks the women presence, like sciences and other top most jobs. Not because women are not able to, but more because of how society does not appreciate or even recognise their efforts. Not providing any social incentive further hinders their rise. Women’s contribution is beyond imagination, however, and society will always have individuals who do not want to recognise these, because of their inherent nature. But these sort of social incentives(???) and social forces are what makes an individual driven. This is where women have to look out for each other. Not by being short term impactful individuals, but as individuals who hold powerful positions that have predominantly held by men. Having a hand full of women won’t change things for women who enter the work force in the future. But it will help more when the power positions are held by women, to pave the way for those to come in and keep the cycle alive. That is how women empowerment can be achieved. Not just talking and acknowledging the difference, but through creating discourse that society lacks.” Ideas that make you want to have a better understanding of what actually moulds our society and makes it the way it is.

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