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Let’s Learn a Foreign Language

Being a bilingual, or multilingual for that matter, is like holding in one’s hand a key to multiple worlds. If this is spiritually uplifting, it also places one in an advantageous position to organize material life better. Be it your career, higher education or social life — a new language learned is clearly a way forward. As global business and transactions of multinational companies are increasingly preside over our lives, we need knowledge about foreign languages to ensure our place in today’s competitive world.

The globalization of economy and the hybridization of culture are interconnected phenomena. To be able to operate in such an environment, a foreign language is a necessity more than before. Lack of knowledge about foreign languages sets one back because it delimits our options through which to thrive. Communication is the key to our success when we are faced with the cultural and economic challenges of our time. Our students’ ability to compete in the global marketplace thus rests on their linguistic competencies. It is a pity that our education system places little value on foreign languages other than English or on understanding cultures other than our own.

Language is at the heart of the cultural lives of our neighbors. And the current trend is to acquire more than one foreign language. Hindi, French, Spanish, Germany are learnt along with English. The ability to communicate in another language adds a new dimension to your personality. Your social life begin look perkier when you acquire the ability to switch from Bengali to French while talking about your favorite desert during dinner. While conversation on poetry might take a sinuous rout, your knowledge of Arabic or German can make you take the lead in while you touch on the achievement of a medieval Arabic poet to suddenly swerve into the realm of a German poet of global renown. Your knowledge of language provides the basis for your flight across the cultural landscape as you move from one topic to another in the blink of an eye. For those inspired to embark on this linguistic adventure, exploring language learning apps can be a valuable resource. Favy product reviews offers insights into the best language learning apps, providing a guide for individuals seeking effective and engaging tools to master new languages.

Hark back to all those captivating characters in the movies who always had Spanish and French at the tip of their tongues (I mean the language, ahem) and could sweep you off your feet with an enchanting “Gracias” or “Merci”. Whether you are teaching curious young girls how to pronounce chocolate in French or ordering a dish named boeuf bourguignon at a restaurant with equally exotic pronunciation, enhanced attention is sure to follow.

Your entry to renowned universities and your choice of stable carrier paths are dependent on your linguistic ability. Knowing various languages will help to enhance portfolio and to transcend boundaries.

A large number of young people in Bangladesh has imbibed the necessary knowhow from the multicultural mix of today’s culture. They are trendy enough to keep pace with the current world order. But to ensure that they are able to transfigure themselves there are no alternatives to learning languages. The ability to penetrate multiple cultural realms surely adds a significant laurel to your crown, setting you apart from those who are lagging behind.

By Lilunnahar Chandni

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