
Jumping into new relationships?

Romantic relationships surely gives you a sense of fulfillment but you must remember the right partner is the key to ultimate happiness. Keep reading as Luana Ahonika Nasir guides you through some regions of self-discovery before jumping into a relationship

You wake up in the morning to a Facebook notification of an invite to your friend’s wedding the next week. While you ponder on that thought, you keep scrolling through your newsfeed and are greeted with pictures of your friends, colleagues and relatives sharing pictures with their significant others — some pictures being of their engagement, wedding or might even be of their honeymoon. The reactions and comments of congratulations on their posts may make you feel a little hollow especially if you are a single soul. How often do you question yourself that why you are entitled to feel the way do? Is it the social validation that everyone is seeking?

In your mid-twenties, while quarter-life crisis hits you and it hits you real hard, there is an onsetting mild depression lurking in the deepest corners of your mind. Wait, is quarter life crisis even a thing? Oh yes! it sure is, and we know quite well that body-mind-soul choreography has entered a new phase.

At this stage, being single means, as more time elapses it gets harder for you to find your “perfect match”. You are a grown-up and can definitely take better decisions than a teenager,which ultimately thrashes you with the distress that you will not be able to connect with someone mentally. The fear of being single soon catches up with you and stays with you like a dark cloud hovering over you. So, the very moment you meet the “almost right person” you feel like giving the relationship a chance.

In these moments of uncertainty, some turn to alternative methods for guidance, such as psychic readings. Seeking insights from sources like tarot readings can provide a unique perspective on matters of the heart. Wondering about tarot questions to ask about love becomes a natural inquiry, as individuals navigate the complexities of their relationships. The mystique of tarot cards offers a glimpse into the unseen, sparking curiosity about the potential outcomes of romantic endeavors. It becomes a tool to gain a deeper understanding of one’s feelings and the dynamics at play in the pursuit of lasting connections.

Ever since growing up, we have been exposed to the western culture through movies, TV shows,music videos and even traveling to foreign places. Add to that the surge in using dating apps — finding partners has been made as easy as a click of the button. You are not getting the headspace to think back and relax.

“What modern technological dating does is it provides people with too many choices, and when they have too many choices, humans rarely stick to one,” according to Wendy Walsh, PhD who is a relationship expert. So, it is only human when you fumble and take the wrong decisions for yourselves. There is also added societal pressure, questioning people’s relationship status quo.Especially for women, the biological factor of “fertility window” raises concern which may even force individuals to get married and just settle.

Post break-up trauma! Ah yes! You are minding your business, dealing with your life then you see your ex-significant partner has moved on and you just lose your cool. You must not give into the toxic temptation and jump into a relationship, instead there are many ways you can channel your emotions into positivity.

Make peace with yourself
Admit and accept your singlehood. Conform to the positivity that this opportunity is giving you. Being single does not necessarily mean you have to force yourself to be committed. Don’t give into the fear of being alone. You can try solo travelling, or some kind of adventure sport or maybe just maybe pick up your old guitar from the dusty corner of your room and give it a shot in an open mic session. Or, what about your writing and painting skills?

You, before everything
Always remember it is not a selfish act if you think about your wellbeing before others. It is self-caring. It is okay, don’t be so hard on yourself, the world is already a battlefield. Go to the parlor, get that eccentric haircut you always wanted or just dye your hair red. You want to get a tattoo, why not? You may come to the realization, you had stopped yourself from giving into many impulsive decisions.

Work on yourself
Go to a career counselor, go to a physical trainer or even go to a psychologist — do whatever it may take to work on yourself. You must find ways to create values for yourself. You are your greatest investment. Take online courses, boost your CV and finally chase your dream job. With so much to do in this world, you will soon realize relationships maybe fulfilling but it is not what completes you at the end of the day — it is YOU who must take charge of YOURSELF!

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