

The bedroom is obviously the most important part of your home. This is where you can be yourself and unwind all that stress that followed you through the day. If the colors of the
wall in your bedroom is too dark, now is the time to change. Pick colors like beige, cream, very light brown or ash to soothe your eyes and the soul. However, to not make it seem too dull, just highlight one of the walls with a contrasting colors and either decorate it with different color patterns or movie together or entertaining guests during a party there is no other place better than this. Keep the room spacious with plenty of space to move around. If possible arrange a fake fireplace since with most of us living in apartment buildings here in Bangladesh getting a real one is quite unfeasible (*tears*). Choose limited furniture (tea tables are favorite) and have a stocked bookshelf with a variety of collections. It is also important to choose a proper spot for your television so you and your family can cozy up. Colorful rugs are an “in” thing now and would add hue to the room.

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